PMSA Events

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Health Professions Conference

Typically held in May, the open house type event gives students an informal forum to meet representatives from several regional medical schools. It is a great opportunity for students to ask questions, meet representatives, and gather information about medical schools, all with the convenience of staying on campus. Contact: Nayanika Challa and Camelia Malkami (

Health 4 Kids


Based on feedback from our members at the general meeting, PMSA regularly organizes panels focusing on a specific topic. Depending on the topic, we invite doctors and professors from the Medical Center and College. Topics range from specific fields of study to 'how-to's on getting involved in research.
Contact: Vanessa Angelova ( and Edgar Perez (

Volunteer Team

Improving community service links on campus, the team encourages commitment to performing volunteer work. We will post the latest volunteer opportunities available through the Community Service Recognized Student Organizations (CSRSOs).
Contact: Gautami Galpalli ( and Alexandra Berthiaume (

The Crerar File

The Crerar File is PMSA's permanent reserve folder in the Crerar Library, located on the Science Quads. The file contains practice MCAT tests, brochures, applications, secondary applications from numerous medical schools, interview questions, and a host of other information to help the student in the application process.

Online Services

Online Services acts primarily as an information base for PMSA members. The primary concerns are communication and easily accessible and widely served information. Current services include a mailing list and web page.

Mailing List:
To subscribe to our listhost, please visit this page and sign up with your email address.

General PMSA Mailing List

The general mailing list allows quick and effective mass notification to all PMSA members on events and activities of interest to pre-meds. Primarily, the messages are announcements of upcoming PMSA sponsored events and ongoing activities, such as those described on this web page. Importantly, the Health Professions Office also uses this list to submit general announcements to interested pre-meds. The list is extremely low traffic with no "noise" or inconsequential postings. If you are a pre-med or interested in going to medical school, we recommend you request to be added to the list or sign up using the link above.

Web Site

The PMSA's world wide web page acts as a static resource that can be accessed anywhere: contact the PMSA Officers and Activities Board, find out about PMSA activities and upcoming events, locate other medical resources on the web, and more.
Contact: Gerardo Alcantara ( and Meera Dhodapkar (

Interested in getting more involved?

Run for a position on the board at the end of the academic year!